The "Stingray" emblem was replaced by a crossed flags emblem starting in 1977.
1977 was another year of minimal changes. Below: a new luggage rack (RPO V54; $73.00) was an available option. It was designed to accommodate the removable roof panels, freeing up some interior storage space. Glass roof panels were listed as an option (RPO CC1) but none were sold. They were available as an aftermarket "Moon Roof". An eight track tape player with AM-FM stereo (RPO UM2; $414.00) become a popular option.

The 500,000th Corvette was built on March 15, 1977. It is white with a red interior, the same as the 1,000,000th and 1,500,000th Corvettes. Unlike other milestone Corvettes, it is privately owned. It was photographed while on display at the National Corvette Museum; notice the "HAFMIL" license plate.
Aluminum wheels, available in 1976 thru 1978. Production quantity for 1977 was 12,646 (25.70%) and the cost was $321.00.